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What is MyTEE®?

The MyTEE® screen separates suspended solids from wastewater, preventing large particles from being passed on to downstream processes. MyTEE screens are typically used to remove solids ahead of large (greater than 10,000 GPD) advanced treatment systems, particularly the MyFAST® wastewater treatment system.

How Does it Work?

The MyTEE is a larger version of the SaniTEE® screen, fitted with three clean-in-place plungers, and anchored at the base as well as the top. Unlike the StormTEE®, MyTEE does not have a bottom diverter.

Product Applications

  • Used alone or in conjunction with advanced treatment systems
  • Used with MyFAST® or MacroFITT® Wastewater Treatment Systems

Sizing the Screen

Max Flow Screen Body Diameter Screening Slot Width
Model Gallons per Day Cubic Meters per Day Inch(mm) Inch(mm)
MYT 1638 10000+ 38+ 16(406) 3/8(9.5)