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NSF/ANSI Certifications

NSF = NSF International
ANSI = American National Standards Institute

NSF/ANSI 40 – Residential Wastewater Treatment Systems

Model Number Rated Capacity Gallons/Day Classification
BioBarrier® MBR 0.5 500 Class I
BioBarrier® MBR 0.5-N 500 Class I
BioBarrier® MBR 1.0 1000 Class I
BioBarrier® MBR 1.0-N 1000 Class I
BioBarrier® MBR 1.5 1500 Class I
BioBarrier® MBR 1.5-N 1500 Class I

NSF/ANSI 40 – Residential Wastewater Treatment Systems

Model Number Rated Capacity Gallons/Day Classification
MicroFast 0.5 500 Class I
MicroFast 0.625 625 Class I
MicroFast 0.75 750 Class I
MicroFast 0.9 900 Class I
MicroFast 1.5 1500 Class I

NSF/ANSI 245 – Wastewater Treatment Systems
Nitrogen Reduction

NSF/ANSI 350 – Onsite Residential and Commercial
Water Reuse Treatment Systems

Model Number Rated Capacity Gallons/Day Classification Type
BioBarrier® MBR 0.5 500 Class R Wastewater
BioBarrier® MBR 0.5-N 500 Class R Wastewater
BioBarrier® MBR 1.0 1000 Class R Wastewater
BioBarrier® MBR 1.0-N 1000 Class R Wastewater
BioBarrier® MBR 1.5 1500 Class R Wastewater
BioBarrier® MBR 1.5-N 1500 Class R Wastewater

Class R = Single family residential dwellings

CAN/BNQ (Canada / Bureau de normalization du Quebec)
368-600 – Onsite Residential Wastewater
Treatment Technologies*

Model Number Rated Capacity Gallons/Day Classification
BioBarrier® MBR 0.5-N 500 B-IV
BioBarrier® MBR 1.0 1000 B-IV
BioBarrier® MBR 1.5 1500 B-IV

*Testing administered by NSF.
Note: B-IV represents the highest level of BOD/TSS removal recognized by the test, i.e., 15/15 mg/L.
N-II represents the highest level of N removal recognized by the test, i.e., 60% reduction.


Prüfinstitute fur Abwassertechnik / Institute for Wastewater Technology
EN 12566-3 FITT-ee FITT-ee-N
EN 12566-3, Annex B BioBarrier® 0.5