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What is BioSTORM®?

BioSTORM® Stormwater Treatment System is a Stage II stormwater system that combines litter control screening with sediment separation. It is typically paired with the StormTEE® as a means to prevent litter from entering the treatment system.

How Does it Work?

Stormwater runoff, carrying litter, sediment, and biological pollutants, enters the storm drain and flows into a settling chamber.

In the settling chamber, a StormTEE® Litter Control Screen separates larger solids from the water. Screened water passes through the StormTEE’s top and bottom diverter outlets into the treatment tank.

In the treatment tank, the BioSTORM® contains media that allows for the separation of sediment from the water, and which also coalesces hydrocarbons. Sediment falls to the bottom of the tank where it remains for storage and removal.

Treated water then passes an outlet baffle for discharge.

Product Applications

  • Typically used with StormTEE® Litter Control Screen
  • Storm sewers
  • Car washes?
  • Convenience stores or gas stations

Sizing the BioSTORM®

Design Flow Rate Internal Piping Diameter
BioSTORM® Model Cubic Feet per Second Liters per Second StormTEE® Model Inches mm
0.5 0.5 14 SMT 838 8 203
1.0 1.0 28 SMT 838 8 203
1.5 1.5 42 SMT 838 12 305
3.0 3.0 85 SMT 1638 12 305
5.0 5.0 142 SMT 1638 12 305
10.0 10.0 283 (x2) SMT 1638 18 457