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What is ABC®?

ABC® (Anoxic BioFilter Clarifiers) is a family of specialty clarifiers. Each of these devices are designed for use as a secondary clarification device after FAST®.

  • ABC®-N: Used when very low total nitrogen numbers are required for the effluent.
  • ABC®-C: Used to settle out additional TSS in secondary effluent.
  • ABC®-P: Used when very low phosphate numbers are required for the effluent.

How Does it Work?

ABC®-N: A chemical feed pump supplies a carbon source to the waste stream exiting the FAST treatment tank; the ABC-N promotes the growth of bacteria that will denitrify the wastewater before discharge into the receiving environment. The ABC-N acts as a post-anoxic denitrification process.

ABC®-C: Secondary effluent flows up through ABC-C media, reducing the velocity of suspended solids and promoting settling. Clarified effluent leaves the ABC-C through a built-in baffle connecting to the outlet of the tank.

ABC®-P: A chemical feed pump adds a phosphorous-precipitating chemical into the waste stream exiting the FAST treatment tank; the ABC-P promote the flocculation and coagulation of the phosphorous, which then settles out of the wastewater.

Sizing the ABC®

Maximum Treatment Capacity Minimum Tank Volume
Model Gallons Liters
0.5 Consult Factory 450 1700
1.0 750 2840
1.5 1125 4260
3.0 2250 8520
4.5 4220 15 975
9.0 8440 31 950

*Treatment capacity is specialized to each application and must be designed on an individual basis by BioMicrobics engineering.